About New Horizons Wellness Center

At New Horizons Wellness Center & MediSpa in The Woodlands / Spring area, our highly qualified providers and professional support staff deliver exceptional care for you.

dr. jonathan cheng headshot
dr. jonathan cheng headshot

Jonathan Cheng

MD, Medical Director
  • Education:
  • Work Experience:
  • Research:
  • Professional Memberships & Affiliations:
  • Training/Skills/Certifications:
  • Awards/Honors: 
dr. Emile Kettle headshot
dr. Emile Kettle headshot

Emile Kettle

Physician Assistant
  • Education:
  • Work Experience:
dr. Shawn Terry headshot
dr. Shawn Terry headshot

Shawn Terry

Physician Assistant
  • Education:
  • Work Experience:
dr. Kristal Anguiano headshot
dr. Kristal Anguiano headshot

Kristal Anguiano

Physician Assistant
  • Education:
  • Work Experience:
  • Awards and Affiliations: